I tried using the SFTP perl module, but was too much worth the effort. Then I stumbled upon something called PSFTP. This can be downloaded from http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html.
This is a cool program that lets you call itself from within a perl script so that you don't have to bother about the internals of creating a connection, executing a command etc.
For calling it from within your perl script you would need to use the batchmode with noagent option for the command.
The only drawback that I see as of now is that you cannot maintain sessions and do multiple commands in a single shot.
Happy Perling!
This is a cool program that lets you call itself from within a perl script so that you don't have to bother about the internals of creating a connection, executing a command etc.
For calling it from within your perl script you would need to use the batchmode with noagent option for the command.
The only drawback that I see as of now is that you cannot maintain sessions and do multiple commands in a single shot.
Happy Perling!
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